Friday, May 25, 2007

FREEBIE: Gem Stone by Rachel and SHOW N TELL

Ok!! OK!!...... *hyperventalates* I am so excited, I'm about to pee all over myself... I just can't contain myself.... I....I.... *Ok, calm down rach*
Ehem... I've been dying to get this project done, because I have been DYING to show it off to you guys and give you a little free sampler of it too.

I have been working on this almost all DAY in my free time and it totally rocks!!
(NOTE: I made a correction to the pricing, I posted the wrong price earlier... my bad, it's correct now. ;) ))
First, I have created an ungodly amount of embellishments to put up in the Scrap Mall, and will be offering this one up to personalize it for only $1.20 pls tax, just ask via email. You see this, you're soooo gonna want it!!

Ready? First the Show N Tell.

Mother's Necklace Original Creation and Design, By Rachel Hansen

This is about 60% of the actual size, for best qaulity in resizing and printing! My Original Metal Art Work, Created into a necklace pendant ( and the necklace chain included, but a seperate file).
Gold Heart set into silver, Mom , Mother or Personalize Name also in Silver up to 7 Letters.
Birth Gem Stones By Rachel Hansen in Heart Shape or Diamond Shape only at this point in any of the 12 months, up to 7 Stones.

Here is a closer view of the detail at 100% scale

This is how I used a quick toss together LO

Click the image for a larger, more detailed view view

If you're interested and want one, total is 1.56 for pendant...., email me for paypal details, sending along your name or Mom, Mother, Mum, Mama, Mommy etc preferance, and birth months. You can find my email to the right hand of my page in the goodie bag listing. ;)

Now, Ready for the Freebie? I Made some "adheisive" gem stones for your scraps. I have three differant metal styles, Black Chrome, Gold and Silver in 14 Colors each. I put together a little sampler of each metal style, 2 black , 2 gold and 2 silver.

Full Gold Set of 14 Colors is 1.25 pls .36 tax, same for the Black and Silver , if anyone is interested. Email me for paypal info. They will be available in the Scrap Mall, when it's opened, but you're welcomed to get them now via email. ;)

Want the Sampler?

Hope you enjoy these, I am looking forward to your thoughts!
Across the miles,


Anonymous said...

I love the gems!! Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

The Mom pendant is just Fantabulous! (my new word)I def want to order one for my precious Mom! Will email you...thanks for the freebs! Now that your announcement is out, go to the restroom...LOL!

xashee's corner on May 26, 2007 at 11:50 AM said...

I LOVE these!!! GREAT job and thank you so much for sharing your talent!!! i LOVED reading this entry, you shined thru!! ;)
Have a safe & WONDERFUL holiday weekend! :D

Sharon aka Scrapcat4914 on May 26, 2007 at 5:22 PM said...

TY so very much for your fantastic creations!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much! These will be used over and over!


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