Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Show 'N Tell : May 1997 Lemonade Stand, Robin and Lee

In May of 1997 I had a big garage sale and we thought it would be a great idea to have a lemonade stand. Believe it or not, it is warm here that time of year, Living in the desert and all! But that day it was cold and so the kids ( My two cousins) were bundled up in their coats and ear muffs and insisted on tring to sell lemonade, popcorn balls and homemade suckers. They made a total of 125.00 that day just from the lemonade stand. They made 1/3 of what I did with my junk! lol

Here is a scrap I made of that picture, using a template from Hilmarose and my "pink lemonade" Mega Scrap Kit. You Can download the Mini Kit Sampler HERE.

click the image for a larger more detailed view

Smiles across the miles -



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