Saturday, May 5, 2007

Web Slinger

We're doing our Saturday chores today, which consists of Laundry and misc. deep cleaning around the house or outside chores. They would only take maybe an hour or two, but a few little people around here like to sneak off and do other things, and I spend a majority of my time barking at them to get busy. lol

Today, I have found more silly string hanging off of the oddest places in the house. The other day Nathan asked me to take him shopping, because he had spent over a month saving his allowance and doing extra chores and had finally saved up $32.00. He hung out in the toy aisle of Wal-Mart for over an hour looking at Spider Man stuff when he finally decided on a Spider Man Web Slinger which is a super fancy and over priced water gun, but has the option to shoot "Web" which is a $7.00 can of silly string. lol He bought that and an extra can of "Web". I instructed him NOT to do that in the house, that all water and webbing was to be sprayed and shot outside. Once we got home, I realized I had forgotten part of the reason I went to the store and had to go back and left him home with his Dad! When I got home about 30 minutes later, there was silly string hanging from the walls and drapes all through out the house and in the babies hair. I hit the roof! UGH! Almost a week later and I am still finding silly string rimanents all over the house!

Smiles Across the Miles -

Rachel <-------- Unamused ATM.



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