Monday, April 30, 2007

Tubing Nikki's Flip Flop

I had a great idea for a project this evening when my daughter was opening her birthday gifts. She had two pairs of adorable dotty flip flops and I t hought of a neat project.... I won't tell you what it is just yet, I want it to be a surprise. :)

So anyhoo, I took some pictures of her flip flops on a white towel and I made tubes out of them this evening. I am going to add them to my JellyBean's Tube Collection after I finish this TOP SECRET Project. lol Don't worry you'll love it when it's finished, cause I will post it here for download.

But I learned to tube this evening, the RIGHT WAY..... and it took me forever to trial and error it, so I will be writing a tutorial on how to tube now that I have it all figured out for myself and down to a science. :)

Here is a sample of the flip flop during the tubing process and after. ;)

This is in PSP, tubing the flip flop neatly, not using the erasor brush at all.

And a Sample of the completed Flip flop tube. This is from a real flip flop, doesn't it look great? I know some wonderful graphics I am going to turn out with this, and you will love it when I have it ready for download. Keep posted. ;)




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